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HomePresident's Welcome


Dear Ladies,

I am deeply honored and excited to serve as President of this revered organization for the next two years. Our founding principle of friendship through understanding is even more relevant now as we face many challenges globally.

As the wife of a U.S. Foreign Service Officer (retired), I enjoyed living in other countries and experiencing their beautiful cultures, but adjusting to new places with two young kids in tow was not always easy. International women’s groups helped me immensely in building new relationships and finding new support systems. When we returned to the DC area, Welcome to Washington became that haven for me, where I made new friends, where I enjoyed a huge variety of enriching programs focused on fun while learning, and where I was given opportunities to give back by volunteering.

Members of the all-volunteer WTW Board are already planning for the upcoming program year that will begin this Fall. I encourage all of our members to actively participate in the many events and activities the club offers, meet new members, make new connections, and strengthen the bonds you have already made. We welcome ladies from the Metropolitan Washington Area to join us and be a part of this dynamic community of women from around the world.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate and thank Immediate Past President Jenny Crabbe for her outstanding leadership during a most challenging two years. I also thank all the Past Presidents, whose dedication and efforts made this club the wonderful organization that it is.

In friendship,
Lea Hesse
President, 2022-2024