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Upcoming Events

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Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events


Our members come from almost 100 different countries.

Meet Our New Members

New Member Orientation was held to welcome 12 new members - US, US Naturalized, and International. A warm welcome to our newest members.

Our next New Member Orientation will be held on April 28,  2025.

Club Highlights

Below is a snapshot of the various fantastic events held by Welcome to Washington. 





Welcome Clubs International

Welcome to Washington International Club is proud to be a member of Welcome Clubs International - linking independent women's organizations around the world. 
On Jun 24, 2020, WCI was officially recognized by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and granted special Consultative Status. This status enables WCI to actively engage with ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies and to designate official representatives to the United Nations Headquarters in New York and the United Nations offices in Geneva and Vienna.

WCI Announcements

WCI Conference - Taiwan

Our WCI Sister Club, Welcome to Taipei International Club (WTIC), hosted the 16th Biennial Conference on April 14-18, 2024 in Taipei, Taiwan.

WCI President Vivienne Shen and WTIC President Joan Fuh cordially invited all members of the WCI-affiliated clubs and their guests to come to Taipei to rejoice in friendships, and learn from one another. It was last in 2002 that WTIC had the privilege to host the Biennial Conference, so they were truly thrilled to have the honor to welcome everyone again after two decades.  

WCI Highlights
  • WCI was honored to participate and offer a virtual Parallel Event at the UN's 68th Commission on the Status of Women in 2024. Together with Zonta International, WCI shared how several member clubs empower, through a variety of services and education, to build better lives for women and girls around the world. Please click on the video to see the panelist presentations.  Click here.

  • WCI's - Regional Perspectives: Asia webinar was held on  February 7, 2023. WIC Jakarta presented Eva Sabdono, internationally respected in Indonesia, the ASEAN region, and the world through the UN, World Health Organization, and others. She is an authority and strong advocate for improving the quality of life in the golden years.